salmon seasonWhen anglers leave Island Point Lodge after the peak of the Alaska king salmon season, there’s a lot of salmon to bring back home. What on earth are you going to do with all that frozen fish? Salmon has a quality frozen lifespan lasting anywhere from four to eight months in a freezer, especially when it’s perfectly packaged. We’ll fillet, and freezer pack your fish for you at no additional cost which is just another reason as to why we’re one of the best Alaska fishing resorts around! Without further ado, let’s get down to business and talk about the basics on how to cook salmon.

Grilling Salmon

Seasoning your salmon with a little salt and pepper will go a long way since salmon doesn’t need a whole lot of extras to bring out its wonderful flavor. It’s best to keep the skin on your fillets while grilling, so your salmon doesn’t stick to the grill and fall apart. After thawing your salmon, pat it dry and sprinkle it with kosher salt and pepper placing the salmon on a grill that’s been oiled set to medium-high. Place the salmon skinless-side down on the rack and do not touch it while it’s grilling, the salmon will be easily removable by a spatula when it’s ready to be flipped. If your salmon fillet is around one inch, it will take anywhere from six to ten minutes to cook. When you remove the salmon from the grill, it will continue cooking like any other meat for the next three minutes, so let the salmon rest shortly before consuming. Drizzle with lemon juice, and you’re ready to enjoy a freshly prepared grill salmon fillet!

Bake Salmon

When you don’t have a grill present, baking your salmon will be the perfect way to bring out the savory flavor of the fish. Preheat the oven to 400°F and grab a baking pan, foil sheets, olive oil, and seasonings such as salt and pepper. Blot the salmon dry once thawed, brush your salmon with olive oil before sprinkling your desired dry seasonings. Place the salmon skin-side down on the foil and wrap the foil around your fish. You’ll take the foil-wrapped salmon and place it on a baking pan and put in the oven for approximately 12-15 minutes. Use a cooking thermometer to ensure the salmon is fully cooked to 145°F. Many chefs will take their salmon out at around 135-140°F as salmon continues to cook even after it has been taken out of the oven.

Alaska Fishing Resorts

salmon seasonWhile at Island Point Lodge, you’ll be happy to know that our on-site chef will prepare breakfast and dinner throughout your stay during Alaska king salmon season. Wake up each morning to a freshly prepared meal and before heading out, make a sandwich to bring out for lunch on the water. When you’re at the lodge during lunchtime, you’ll have access to a luncheon buffet, including non-alcoholic beverages. In the evening we’ll prepare a gourmet dinner, or we’ll cook your catch of the day if you’d like. To learn more about booking a stay with Island Point Lodge, give us a call at 1-800-352-4522.